Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Racism And Obama

First off, I should say that among the things I have done in my life is work for equal rights. I have not worked as hard as my mother did though. She worked in the civil rights movement. She also worked for then Senator John F. Kennedy. She taught me well about racism, and the evils this wrought.

I would love to vote for a minority for President, but I want someone who is qualified. I refuse to vote for someone based on race or sex. These are not qualifications for the highest office in the land. By the same token, I will not vote against someone based on race or sex either. I am big into issues.

Obama's run for the White House has brought the issue of racism back into the spot light, though most of the negative comments I have heard are from the left. Most are accusations of racism toward the right, accusing them of campaigning against the Senator simply because they do not want a black man as President.

I keep hearing about how the right has caused all attempts at racial reconciliation to fail, about how powerful white men in Washington keep blacks repressed. However, this is not true.

We have attempted many remedies for racism. All have failed.

We tried affirmative action, to give extra to women and minorities to lift them above their actual abilities in a effort to be fair, to give them a chance they may not have had otherwise.
We gave them extra points on test scores so they could qualify for things they would not have qualified for otherwise.

We created laws to make certain white people were given extra punishments for committing crimes on minorities. We even created laws to make it criminal to even suggest a person of color could be inferior, even if the opinion was not based on race, but actual qualification and/or ability.

We made every excuse as to why minorities as a whole have not done better for themselves.
Nothing has really worked. Why?

The answers are many, and somewhat complex taken as a whole. I certainly do not have them all, nor do I have the time to complete an entire dissertation. I will simply provide a couple of the very basic answers.

One reason is that we managed to take away any reason for ambition. Why work harder when all you have to do is cry racism and have everything handed to you on a silver platter, complete with a never ending apology?

Another reason is themselves. Take for instance the so called black leadership. People like Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson, etc... Why are these people successful? What have they done to merit their positions? They empowered themselves by convincing their followers that they can never succeed, that they can never get out of poverty, drug abuse, single parenthood and more because the white man will never allow it!

It is far easier to accept the premises presented by their own leadership than to do anything to rise above one's position. Hate is an easier emotion to evoke and accept than is contentment and happiness. It is also real easy to blame others for your problem than to accept personal responsibility.

Yet, a great many minorities have succeeded! How could this have happened if everything the minority leadership has claimed is true? How could someone like Obama and his wife have attended ivy league colleges, graduated and earned law degrees? How could such a person become a real contender for the White House if all of this were true?

The real seat of racism lies in the minorities themselves. (Yes, racism is alive and well in the white race as well, but not nearly to the extent we are told.) They want racism to continue because then they would no longer be the victim!

There are many, such as Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton who do not really want to see Obama succeed. This would mean they are out of work. What more can they do once they have managed to put a black man into the Presidency? This could easily be the greatest accomplishment they could ever hope to achieve.

If Obama fails, then they can continue, using the failure as a crutch for years to come.

But, should we be voting for a man whose only qualification is that he is black?


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